Tiled Integration Plugin


This is a plugin for Unreal Engine 5 that simplifies the work of importing Tile Maps and Tile Sets made with Tiled. In addition it adds some quality time improvements and fixes from the default importer that came with Unreal Engine by default.

This is the complete list of features currently available:

Quick Video Guide

Note: This tool expects the user to use Tiled as the main Tile Map and Tile Set editor, doing changes such as modifying tiles, layers, collisions and/or dimensions directly into Unreal Engine can lead to unexpected behavior and it is not recommended.

How to Use

1.- Get the plugin from the Unreal Engine Marketplace and install it into your Unreal Engine version via the Epic Games Launcher.

2.- Create a new project or open an existing one and activate the plugin in Edit > Plugins > TiledIntegration. You will have to restart Unreal Engine afterwards.

Activate plugin

3.- After restarting Unreal Engine, you should see a new icon on the toolbar next to the play button.

New button

4.- If you click it it should open the Control Panel from where you will be able to manage the Tiled Resources.

Control Panel

5.- To get started simply click on the Import button at the bottom and look for a Tiled Tile Map or Tile Set file to import.

Note: The file to be imported must be saved as a JSON file in Tiled.

Note: When importing a Tile Map and Tile Sets it will also import it’s dependencies (Tile Set and/or Textures)

Note: The plugin comes with some example files that you can try located in “<Unreal Engine Installation Folder>/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/TiledIntegration/ExampleTiledFiles” (e.g. “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.4\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\TiledIntegration\Content\ExampleTiledFiles”)

Pick asset

6.- After picking the file to import you will be requested to specify the place where you want the asset to be imported to and which name you want to set. Please pick a location that is within your project content folder. You can see on the title of the window what kind of asset you want to save.

Note: Please pick a definitive name and location as MOVING or RENAMING the asset after it has been imported is not supported and you will need to start the process again if so.

Pick asset

7.- If everything went well, you should see your imported assets in the place where you specified it as well as a new dropdown option on the Control Panel from where you can manage your imported assets. From this menu you will be able to do the following:

Pick asset

Custom Properties

In order to support Tiled Custom Properties on Tile Maps, Tile Sets, Tiles and Layers, we have extended the default Paper2D classes to support this. We will explain how to access this classes from Blueprints and from C++ in the following sections.

Tile Map Custom Properties

Unreal Engine Variables

You can define the following Custom Properties in the Tiled Tile Map which will be used in Unreal Engine when imported:


In order to access the Custom Properties of a Tile Map from blueprint you just need a reference to your Paper Tile Map Actor that is placed in your level and use the method that we provided Get Tile Map From Actor. From there you can use Get Custom Properties method and get the property you want by name and type.

Tile Map Custom Properties Blueprint


From C++ the process is very similar. You will need a reference to the Paper Tile Map Actor and call the helper method GetTileMapFromActor from UTiledIntegrationTileMapLibrary located in TiledIntegrationTileMap.h or you can directly cast from UPaperTileMap to UTiledIntegrationTileMap and use the GetCustomProperties method to access the properties.

If you want to use a custom class for Tile Maps you can inherit from our UTiledIntegrationTileMap class and remember to change the default class type in the Plugin Configuration (explained in a section below).

Tile Layer Custom Properties

Unreal Engine Variables

You can define the following Custom Properties in the Tiled Tile within the Tile Layer which will be used in Unreal Engine when imported:


There are multiple options available for accessing a Tile Layer Custom Properties:

Note: The Layer Index is the identifier of the layer in your Tile Map that goes from 0 for the very first layer starting from the top of the list up to the amount of layers - 1.

Tile Layer Custom Properties Blueprint


There are multiple options available for accessing a Tile Layer Custom Properties:

If you want to use a custom class for Tile Layers you can inherit from our UTiledIntegrationTileLayer class and remember to change the default class type in the Plugin Configuration (explained in a section below).

Tile Custom Properties

Unreal Engine Variables

You can define the following Custom Properties in the Tiled Tile within the TileSet which will be used in Unreal Engine when imported:


In order to access the Custom Properties of a Tile from blueprint you just need a reference to your Paper Tile Map Actor that is placed in your level and use the method that we provided Get Tile Map From Actor. From there you will need to retrieve the Layer by it’s index using Get Layer and after that use can useGet Tile Custom Properties`` specifying the X and Y coordinates of the tile you want from that layer.

Note: The Layer Index is the identifier of the layer in your Tile Map that goes from 0 for the very first layer starting from the top of the list up to the amount of layers - 1.

Note: If the given Tile coordinates don’t contain any Tiles or if the Tile doesn’t have any Custom Properties Get Tile Custom Properties will retrun null.

Tile Custom Properties Blueprint


For accessing a Tile Custom Properties get the Layer from one of the methods explained above and then use the GetTileCustomProperties method to access the custom properties.

Tile Set Custom Properties


There are multiple options available for accessing a Tile Layer Custom Properties:

Note: The Layer Index is the identifier of the layer in your Tile Map that goes from 0 for the very first layer starting from the top of the list up to the amount of layers - 1.

Note: If the given Tile coordinates don’t contain any Tiles Get Tile Set will retrun null.

Tile Set Custom Properties Blueprint


There are multiple options available for accessing a Tile Set Custom Properties:

Tile Instance Custom Properties

A tile instance is a unique tile in the tile map (not to be confused with the tile in the tilesets). Due to Tiled limitation you will need to place the custom properties of the tile instance within the tile map custom properties as a class with the following naming format TileProperties[X,Y,Z], where X and Y are the coordinates of the tile within the tile map and Z the layer index (where 0 is the highest layer). If done correctly the properties will be transferred to the UTITileInstance when importing the tile map.

Class Property Shortcuts

When you work with custom property classes it can get quite time consuming to get the class and then the property you want from code/blueprint, so I have created a shortcut system where you can access the properties under the classes directly. In order to do that you need to write the property name as the following format ClassPropertyName.PropertyName where ClassProperty is the name of the class property and sepparated by a dot you can write the names of the properties that are under the class.

E.g. Let’s assume we have a class called Point which has two integers under it X and Y. In order to directly access X from the Point class we would write the name as Point.X on the getter method.


You can add collisions to specific tiles by using the Tiled Collision Editor tool. The supported collision types are Rectangles, Ellipses and Polygons.

Note: Rotations are not supported at the moment.

Note: Ellipses must be in the shape of circles (same width and height).

Animated Tiles

You can add animated tiles to your Tile Set and Tile Map by using the Tiled Animation Editor tool and placing the animated tile into your Tile Map.

Note: Placing many animated tiles in very big Tile Maps can become costly quite quickly. It is recommended that you keep the tile maps as small as possible (ideally combine small tile maps together to make a big one and show/hide them when needed)

Plugin Configuration

You can configure some aspects of the plugin to adjust it better to your needs. The configuration can be found in Edit > Editor Preferences > Tiled Integration. Here are the options that you can configure:

Plugin Settings


If you find issues with the plugin please open a ticket here with as much details as possible on what happened, how to reproduce and the expected result. We will look into it and reply back as soon as possible.